Which Statement About Android Obesity Is True

Which Statement About Android Obesity Is True

Obesity is a significant global public health concern, according to the WHO. Android obesity, which involves fat accumulation in the upper body and abdomen, is particularly prevalent in obese men and postmenopausal women with declining estrogen levels.

The World Health Organization considers obesity to be a severe global public health concern. Android obesity refers to the accumulation of fat in the upper body and abdomen, mainly in obese men and occasionally in postmenopausal women with decreasing estrogen levels.

What is android obesity?

Android obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive abdominal fat accumulation, which is associated with an increased risk of various health problems, except for cancer. Men with higher levels of body fat are considered obese and are at risk of poor health outcomes.

What is obesity and how is it diagnosed?

Obesity is a health condition resulting from excess body fat that can negatively impact an individual's health. Doctors diagnose obesity by utilizing BMI, a measure that evaluates whether a person's weight is appropriate in relation to their height, age, and sex.

Why does obesity develop?

Obesity develops when a person consumes more calories than they use as energy, which leads to storage of extra calories as fat. Certain foods and beverages, especially those high in fats and sugars, are more likely to contribute to weight gain.

What is the definition of obesity?

Obesity is characterized as an increase in body weight that exceeds 20 percent of an individual's ideal body weight, which is associated with the lowest risk of death based on factors such as age, height, and gender.

How are obesity & overweight diagnosed?

Obesity and overweight are diagnosed by calculating the body mass index (BMI) of an individual. BMI is a measure of body fat that compares a person's weight to their height. A BMI greater than or equal to 25 is classified as overweight, while a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is classified as obese. Other diagnostic tests may also be used to evaluate the health risks of overweight and obesity, such as measuring waist circumference, assessing body composition, and evaluating physical fitness levels. Consultation with a healthcare professional is important in the diagnosis and management of overweight and obesity.

What is the most useful population-level measure of overweight and obesity?

The most useful population-level measure of overweight and obesity is BMI (Body Mass Index), which is applicable to both sexes and all adult age groups. However, it may not accurately reflect the same degree of fatness in different individuals.

Is a formal diagnosis of obesity more likely to result in weight loss?

Research has indicated that receiving a formal diagnosis of obesity increases the probability of weight loss as compared to those who are not diagnosed. The body mass index is the prevalent scale employed by healthcare providers to diagnose obesity.

Android obesity is characterized by male pattern central obesity which primarily affects the upper region of the male body, such as the neck, chest, shoulders, and abdominal regions. This type of obesity is prevalent in about 48.6% of males.

What is the difference between Android and [gynoid] obese women?

There are different characteristics in the adipose tissue of android and gynoid obese women. Android individuals have a larger size of fat cells while gynoid individuals have a greater number of fat cells. Additionally, genetics account for 50% of the observed variance in abdominal fat mass in humans.

What is android fat distribution?

Android fat distribution refers to the accumulation of adipose tissue predominantly in the upper body and trunk area, resulting in an "apple"-shaped body or central obesity, and is more prevalent in males than in females.

Obesity was declared a global epidemic and major public health problem by the World Health Organization in 1997. Being overweight is defined as having a body mass index of 25 kg/m 2 or greater, and obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30 kg/m 2 or greater.

Is obesity a problem in low- and middle-income countries?

Overweight and obesity are becoming more common in low- and middle-income countries, especially in urban areas. In Africa, there has been a nearly 24% increase in overweight children under 5 since 2000. In 2019, almost half of the children under 5 who were overweight or obese lived in Asia.

What are obesity and overweight?

Obesity and overweight are conditions characterized by the abnormal accumulation of excessive body fat which can be detrimental to one's health. Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to classify individuals as overweight or obese by measuring their weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters.

How does obesity affect our health?

Obesity is a chronic disease that can have a serious impact on overall health and well-being. It can put a strain on the body's organs and systems, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Additionally, obesity can lead to physical limitations, decreased quality of life, and psychological issues such as depression. Overall, obesity is a major public health concern that requires attention and action.

What is the epidemic of obesity?

The epidemic of obesity refers to the escalating global issue of excess weight gain caused by the intake of more calories than are expended. This chronic disease affects millions of people worldwide and is predicted to continue to increase. Obese individuals may face social stigma.

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Obesity Category